Family is important, more than you know. So cherish the memories, and never let go.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Three Months Ago

About 3 month's ago it was raining out side and my windshield wipers were so sun rotted they were falling apart. (I know it never rains in Arizona but it sure was raining hard and hailing baseball size hail that day) So I told my Dad and we stopped and picked up some new ones. They don't make windshield wipers like they use to. It takes an army to figure out how to take them off and put them back on. My Dad even crawled up on the hood of my SUV and those little suckers were not coming off.  After about an hour or so we gave up and called Uncle Paul to help.  I went over to Nancy and Paul's house, which luckly it stopped raining. Paul changed out the wipers so fast I couldn't believe it (5 minutes tops). And of course it hasn't rained since either. I sure am glad Dad and I rushed right out and bought them. lol
Well the whole reason for this story is yesterday Karl and I were sitting at a stop light and I heard a loud clicking noise coming from my engine. I got really scared that my engine was going to blow. I pulled over and Karl looked under the hood and my windshield wiper was hitting the fan and making all that noise. Now I know there was no way that wiper could have fallen off!!!!  But, both of the wipers were still attached. So where the heck did this one come from??? After a few minutes I realized it was one of the old ones. I guess my favorite Brother-in-law forgot to throw away the used one and left it under the hood. I'm sure he thought I might need it some day.  Karl and I just laughed and laughed over this. 

1 comment:

  1. I will have to tell Paul about this one, he will crack up. You should know that this is his signature. :-)
