Babysitting Izabella is a a lot of fun as long as you keep her happy and her blanket available for her to smell. If she doesn't see or smell her mommy she starts crying and crying and crying.
I decided to set her in her bouncy thing at the front door, to watch for her mom and dad to come home from their date. It was so funny it looks like she's trying to escape. Izabella absolutely will not go to sleep without her mom and dad being there. Izabella and I had a lot of quality time together.
Oh has anyone noticed that I sure do love my granddaughter.
Truth be told, there's nothing better than being a grandparent. All our elders know this and it is evidenced by that twinkle in their eyes. Of course, they know more than they let on—life's secrets have come to them through time, experience, and patience.
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