Family is important, more than you know. So cherish the memories, and never let go.

Friday, June 10, 2011

June 8, 2011


The visit to the doctor started out wonderful, Mom's blood pressure and pulse was perfect and believe it or not so was Dad's.  They even did a test on Dad's toes to make sure there is blood in them.  And sure enough there was and lots of it. The doctor even said it was perfect.  Can't figure out how considering how many times Mom has ran over his toes with the electric wheel chair. 

Oh but then everything seemed to go down hill from there.  I tried to explain to Dr. Reinfeld about the new medication that Dr. Zitar (family doctor) put Dad on to raise his pulse.  And that this medication is causing Dad to have fatigue.  Dad says that his legs feel really heavy and he has a hard time moving them.  Well that made everything worse because poor Dr. Reinfeld was so confused and frustrated with me, I thought we were going to get into a knock down fight.  You see, this medication is made to lower the blood pressure but the side effects is that it raises the pulse.  Of course, that is not what Dr. Zitar told me.  And to top things off he was mad because Dr. Zitar hasn't sent any reports to Dr. Reinfeld explaining why he has put Dad on another blood pressure medication.  Needless to say he left Dad on the new medication but told him only to take it once a day. 

I am happy to report though that Dr. Reinfeld told Mom & Dad not to come back  for at least 6 months.  He says they both are really doing awesome for their age and ailments. 


Mom, Dad and I were watching "The Walton's"  after we got home from the doctor and it was a very sad episode.  During one of the scene's Momma Walton was leaving to go to the sanitarium and all the children were hugging her goodbye.  Well, you would think that because it was such a sad show that my Mom would have tear's but NO not my Mom she was sitting there WAVING goodbye.  I did a double take on that!!! Dad and I just busted up laughing at her.  She couldn't figure out why we were laughing until I finally was able to calm down and tell her. She said she didn't even realize she was waving.  That's my mother for you!!!!

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