Karl waited at the hospital for his sister to make him an Uncle. He was so excited when I finally came out of the room and told him and his Dad that they could go in and meet Izabella Rose. Uncle Karl didn't get to hold her that day unfortunately he had to go back to work. On Sunday Uncle Karl went over to Tiffany's and finally got to hold her. He couldn't stop smiling at her. Karl can't wait for Izabella to chase him around and try to hug him. I have this feeling if Izabella ever needs anything Karl will be the first one there.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Sunday, July 17, 2011
My baby girl is a MOMMY!!!! Oh Man that means I am a GRANDMA!!!!!!
As of July 15, 2011 things will never be the same.
Tiffany and Daniel are now parent's of the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen.
Everyone gathered in the room and then we waited and waited. The contractions just stopped... But finally the doctor came in and said lets have a baby... The doctor had me help Tiffany pull herself up by pushing on her back when she was pushing. I really felt I was part of the delivery and got to be there for my daughter.
Tiffany pushed 4 or 5 times and Miss Izabella Rose Mendez came into this world CRYING!!!! She was not happy at all. I think that she is going to be stubborn like Tiffany when she grows up.
Izabella was born on July 15, 2011 at 1:25pm. Weighing in at 7 pounds 14 ounces and 21 1/4 inches long. It was such an awesome experience to watch her be born. And of course I was very very happy and crying like a baby.
I have to give KUDOS to the fantastic doctor, she was so sweet and explained everything to us and she gave us an education on the placenta. She was just as excited about the baby being born as everyone in the room.
When it was my turn to hold my new grand baby, it was just the most amazing feeling. My heart was pounding so fast and I was shaking. I couldn't stop looking at her. She looks so much like Tiffany when she was born. (except for the hair, Tiffany was bald).
I asked them what they thought of their precious baby and they said they like her and are planning on keeping her.
I think that upset Great Aunt Nancy because she was hoping to get to take her home.
Nancy and I finally tore ourselves away from Izabella and the new parents to go get the Great Grandparents.
They had been waiting all day for us to come get them. I don't think I have ever seen my parents get up and get ready to go somewhere as fast as they did when Nancy and I walked in the door.
Great Grandpa and Grandma were so happy to get to the hospital and get to hold Izabella. I think she already has them wraped around her little finger. And they will be spoiling that little girl so much.
While we were all there the nurse came in and gave Izabella her first bath.
Mommy couldn't take her eyes off her bundle of joy. You can see her watching the nurse in the mirror with a big smile on her face. The nurse fixed Izabella's hair to look like Daddy's.
Yes, Izabella almost has as much hair as her Daddy.
I love this picture because I got so close to him, he was saying REALLY you had to get that close.
My friend Debbie came up to the hospital right after I gave birth to Tiffany in 1984 and she came up to the hospital to see Tiffany as a new Mommy and Tiffany's precious bundle of joy. We have decided to call her Grandma Debbie since she has been part of our family for 30+ years.
What an awesome and special day it was for everyone. Mommy is great and Daddy is so proud. Oh and I have to mention every time the nurse would try and take Izabella out of the room, Daddy was on her
heel's and not letting Izabella out of his sight.
This was the best day of my life, Thank you Tiffany and Daniel, I love you both very much.
Monday, June 20, 2011
My baby girl Tiffany
Asked me to be in the delivery room with her when she has the baby. It means the world to me and I am so honored to be a part of this glorious day. She is hoping I will take lots of pictures between crying the whole time. Thank you Tiffany and Daniel for asking me to be part of your special day. I love you both!!!!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
A father plays a dominant role in the life of a child. He is the kid's mentor, guide and role model. His persistent and relentless efforts give his children the inspiration and motivation to move ahead in life. A father is also a guy who has photos in his wallet where his money used to be!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Monumental Day
Finally Dad had the scar tissue removed from his eye today. He was very nervous about doing this and I don't blame him. He only has one eye he can see out of and if the Doctor messes up he could go completely blind.

He could even see the score of the baseball game without going up to the television.
Friday, June 10, 2011
June 8, 2011
The visit to the doctor started out wonderful, Mom's blood pressure and pulse was perfect and believe it or not so was Dad's. They even did a test on Dad's toes to make sure there is blood in them. And sure enough there was and lots of it. The doctor even said it was perfect. Can't figure out how considering how many times Mom has ran over his toes with the electric wheel chair.
Oh but then everything seemed to go down hill from there. I tried to explain to Dr. Reinfeld about the new medication that Dr. Zitar (family doctor) put Dad on to raise his pulse. And that this medication is causing Dad to have fatigue. Dad says that his legs feel really heavy and he has a hard time moving them. Well that made everything worse because poor Dr. Reinfeld was so confused and frustrated with me, I thought we were going to get into a knock down fight. You see, this medication is made to lower the blood pressure but the side effects is that it raises the pulse. Of course, that is not what Dr. Zitar told me. And to top things off he was mad because Dr. Zitar hasn't sent any reports to Dr. Reinfeld explaining why he has put Dad on another blood pressure medication. Needless to say he left Dad on the new medication but told him only to take it once a day.
I am happy to report though that Dr. Reinfeld told Mom & Dad not to come back for at least 6 months. He says they both are really doing awesome for their age and ailments.
Mom, Dad and I were watching "The Walton's" after we got home from the doctor and it was a very sad episode. During one of the scene's Momma Walton was leaving to go to the sanitarium and all the children were hugging her goodbye. Well, you would think that because it was such a sad show that my Mom would have tear's but NO not my Mom she was sitting there WAVING goodbye. I did a double take on that!!! Dad and I just busted up laughing at her. She couldn't figure out why we were laughing until I finally was able to calm down and tell her. She said she didn't even realize she was waving. That's my mother for you!!!!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Karl's Final Project
The project Karl has been working on is finally completed. He turns it in today for grading. This is for his 3D Studio Max class. This class basically teaches students how to build 3D objects on the computer and then build a physical model in real life. It also teaches you how to use different materials to build a physical model. He has been trying to explain to me how he has to make the project to scale. His project has a scale of a quarter of an inch which equals one foot. For example: In the 3D model the walls are 15 feet tall, where as the walls on the physical model would only be at 3 3/4 inches.
Karl chose to use foam core and matte board. Thank goodness Grandpa had several x-acto knifes where as Karl stole a set from him. He cut out every piece of this project by hand. He also cut each window out and put Valium paper on the windows so he can put lights inside the building. Each step of the staircase is a separate piece and glued together. Even the steps are slanted.
Of all people I would never have expected my son to be going to all the big hobby stores. He has been spending a lot of time at Hobby Lobby. He even looked through the floral department and bought the fake plants to use on his project. He cut them down to size. He would call me each time he went to the hobby store and tell me all about the stuff he finds there. He even bought his sister a really nice scrapbook to match the baby decor.
I am really looking forward to having him take this building to school so I can have my living room back. He has taken up the entire room with all his materials and tools. Not to mention the table that is right in the middle of the room....
I am very proud of Karl and his accomplishments, he will be graduating in September with his Associates Degree in Computer Aided Drafting and Design. As of right now he has 2 years of perfect attendance and has been on the honor roll the whole time. If he gets an A on this project it will put him on the Deans list. Way to go Karl keep up the EXCELLENT work.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Memorial Day Fun
The babies room is all set up and ready for Izabella. Yesterday was so much fun going through all the new baby clothes and the beautiful baby stuff that Tiffany received at the baby shower.
Sunday May 29, 2011
A little pampering was what we needed. 5 women going out and getting their nails and toes all prettied up. In attendance was Grandma White, Nancy, Tiffany, Geraldine and of course Me. We had so much fun, we chatted and laughed and most of all just sat back and relaxed.
The theme of the day seemed to be Poke-a-dots.

Thanks ladies for such a wonderful day!!!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Aunt Nancy hand made this beautiful baby coach baby blanket. She put in lots of love with every hand stitch. When Tiffany and Daniel got home they had to pull it out and look at it again.
I spent all day Friday stuffing these baskets full of baby clothes and other varies items. It was so fun putting them together.
My favorite picture of all. I have been gaining weight to keep up with Tiffany. I can't wait for the baby to be born so I can go on a diet. hahaha
Sure can tell we are mother and daughter.
Friday, May 27, 2011

I'm HUNGRY....
I'm already missing Dad's great breakfast's!!!!!
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